So it has taken me a while to write this post as I was not sure I wanted to relive the memories. Here is a VERY breif description of the El Salvador desastor that we and most other team experienced.
Our team had:
Too many punctures to count
9 days of racing
2 rest days
6 crashes
2 chest infections
6 colds
1 La Feminina Jersey.... hahaaa
Race helicopter that crashed.
we rode past 2 bush fires, one of which I could of touched if I reached out to it.
Numerous times we had crazy drives flying at us when the road were suppose to be closed.
Fighting traffic if you happened to be dropped from the front group... man eating potholes, wild dogs... you get the picture ;) yeeeah fun times.
As well as this, we did also meet some amazing local El Salvadorians. The people of El Salvador are so kind and generous - they are def the highlight!
Enjoying some dirt roads on one of the rest days
La Feminina Jersey...
I happened to pick up a nasty chest infection on about the 3rd day we were there.... the doctor told me it was pneumonia... but I don't really beleive that. Any way 12 days of antibiotics and I thought I would be good to go for our next block of racing: San Dimas, redlands and sea otter.
San Dimas I was still suffering from the nasty chestie so I only par took in the first stage, which was disappointing as I really love that race... but was better for the long run. The girls had a great race how ever. Redlands things started off not so good, but each day I was feeling better so that was good... until I crashed out of the crit (2nd to last stage) with what I though was a broken elbow. But lucky for me I can still claim to of never broken any bones.... must be kiwi eh!!!
Me, Korina and Miranda
Sea otter went really well for VK, super stomper Amy Charity was on fire and with solid team work we amy got a lot of podium time.
Courteney and I :) :)
Korina being a top team mate and piggy backing me after a long day of sponsor duties :)
Now I am back in the bay area and I am finally for the first time in a long time feeling 100% healthy. Not sure what has been going on with my immune system this year, but it has not been working out for me! Been dousing on the Vit C, and sipping every sort of immune boosting tea I can find. Think its finally working!!!
Now I have a solid training block to get me back to full fitness and back into the swing of things, with a few local races thrown in. My next big race being the Amgen Tour of California women's circuit race. I can't wait!
Right now we are gearing up for a token Kiwi/ Aussie ANZAC bbq in the park tomo night. Miranda's on the AZAC biscuits and I'm on the pav... hopefully it can top last years one ;) ;)
Korina, Miranda and I - The wonderful Deb Tracey Photography!
Any way...dinner time!
Kate :) xxx